Saturday, May 7, 2011

Your own back yard.

To own a piece of property to call your own is just a great feeling! Just the feeling of being able to do with it what you want. Color the walls purple, for all you care!!! Right now I'm sitting in the back yard. Looking around how Spring time is in over drive. The scrub Jays are feeding their little ones, protecting the nest from the crows in the neighborhood, Humming birds are having "Arial Dogfights" over the best blooming flower in the yard. The Angel's Trumpet in the corner of the yard is in full bloom. Great scents come our way. For the second year now our artichoke is in bloom too. YAY! The blooms are what you find in the grocery store. Very Yummy with garlic butter. All this relaxing stuff made possible by making the decision to buy your own pad. Now is your time! Have you done your homework? Haveyou talked witha lender? Have you talked with me?

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